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Transition Net Zero Advisers

Starting with ESG principles leading to investment returns and impact

  • Transition Net Zero Advisers is a new investment advisory and asset management firm.
  • Established in 2021 with the specific aim of investing for a decarbonised world and to accelerate the adoption towards a net zero world.
  • ESG is at the heart of what we do. Selecting investments specifically aimed at climate change mitigation and adaptation whilst adopting the principles of doing 'no significant harm'.
  • This enables us to create portfolios that have inherently low GHG emissions. We are committed to actively engage with companies, management and governments to speed the transition to a decarbonised economy.
  • Carbon is emerging as a new investible asset class. The historic cost of carbon emissions has been mis-priced by both companies and society as a whole.
  • Owning carbon allowances and offsets will be a key building block in our portfolios. In addition to driving investment returns in their own right, they will enable us to manage portfolios with net zero or negative GHG emissions.
  • We aim to create a number of funds to invest in carefully selected aspects of the energy transition.
  • 'Transition2050' is the first fund.



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